Samuel Bond

Date of birth per Reno*.

Named in father's will of 1760 (see his Notes).

Samuel Bond

Elizabeth Forbes

Thomas Marshall &

John Forbes & others

- Deed of four parts. Samuel Bond of Prince George's Co, 1st part; Elizabeth Forbes of Charles Co., 2nd part; Thomas Marshall of Marshall Hall & John Forbes of Charles Co., 3rd part; James Forbes, above named John Forbes, George Forbes, James Forbes Sothoron & Rebecca Ann Marie Sothoron his wife, James Forbes & Elizabeth Forbes which said James Forbes, John Forbes, George Forbes, Rebecca Ann Maria Sothoron, Jane Forbes & Elizabeth are all children of Elizabeth Forbes first named, 4th part. In consideration of pending marriage between Samuel Bond & Elizabeth Forbes, all of the sizeable estate of Elizabeth to be conveyed to Thomas Marshall & John Forbes as trustees, to pay all debts and to ensure just passage of estate to the above named children. Transfer to occur upon completion of marriage ceremony. (Land Rec Abstracts TH#26{StM#2}:84, St. Mary’s Co., 1807.06.08, Recorded 1807.09.26)


1810 Federal Census (1810.08.06) - King George & Grub Hundreds, Prince George's Co., MD - Pg 524, Ln 14 - Saml. Bond

Free white males 16 - 25...1
females 10 - 15...1
other free...1

Will of Samuel Bond. To wife Elizabeth $2,000 and slaves. Balance of estate to be divided:

- To Clarissa Bond Sothoron, daughter of nephew John Sothoron, $2,000.

- To Samuel Bond Gardiner, son of niece Eleanor Gardiner, $3,000.

- To Matilda Kroner, niece, $1,000.

- To Susanna Key Bond & Clarissa Griffin, nieces, each $500.

- To friends John & Henry Gardiner £50 to charity of their choice.

- To children of niece Eleanor Gardiner, slaves.

- To Mary Clarissa Bond Barnes, slaves.

- Balance of estate to nephews John, Zachariah, Henry & James Forbes Sothoron.

- Executors "friends" John Sothoron, John Barnes & Henry Gardiner.(Chancery Papers 11304 also Wills TT#1:228}, Prince George’s Co., 1818.07.08, Proved 1818.08.31)

George Forbes versus:

--Horatio C. McElderry & Eliza. ux.

--James F., Elizabeth & John H. Sothoron

--James & Elizabeth Forbes

--Thomas Marshall

Bill of Equity, to the Judges of Charles Co. sitting as Court of Equity. John Forbes Sr. died, leaving all of his property to his wife Elizabeth. She executed a marriage contract with Bond, conveying to Thomas Marshall her brother & her son John Forbes as trustees, all her holdings, upon death of Samuel Bond. Elizabeth planned to move to Pennsylvania, but returned upon illness of her daughter Rebecca. Elizabeth executed a letter changing terms of her legacy, that letter lost for some time. Elizabeth purportedly asked for letter to be found, then that it be destroyed, then to accept its terms when found. Elizabeth died of apoplexy while caring for Rebecca, who also died, leaving two children, Elizabeth & John Henry Sothoron of St. Mary’s Co.. James Forbes died before his mother. Prays for adjustment of estate.

- Copy of pre-marital indenture of 8 June 1807 between Elizabeth Forbes & Samuel Bond.

- Letter to Dr. Thomas Marshall at Marshall Hall, dated 14 August 1818, from George Forbes at Plaines of Plenty. Starts "Dear Uncle", notes Elizabeth about to leave, and wants to tell Uncle of property disposition. Plesleys Mill to go to writer's sister's children, Benedict property to Rebecca Sothoron & Eliza McElderry, Rouges Neck (Prince George's Co) to writer, Woolford Hill to brother James' children (Elizabeth & James Forbes), residue equally to children of Elizabeth. Also signed by Elizabeth Forbes, witnessed by Mary Sothoron, Henry Sothoron.

- Deposition of Mary Sothoron dated 15 May 1821, who denied seeing her mother's name on the above letter when signing as a witness, nor ever hearing any further mention of the letter.

- Deposition of Henry Sothoron dated 31 August 1820, much the same as that of Mary Sothoron.

- Court order (Charles Co) dated 20 August 1831, requiring all books & papers relating to the estate of Elizabeth Bond. Note dated 14 Oct 1831, indicating that papers & books were previously put into the hands of Solicitor Clement Dorsey Esq.

- Bond dated 30 March 1832 between George Forbes of Prince George's Co. & William Thompson of Charles Co.; and James F. Sothoron, John Henry Sothoron, Samuel P. Webster & Elizabeth his wife, for $10,000. Bond for George Forbes to faithfully account all credits and debits of the estate of Elizabeth Bond, which he may have received since 26 August 1831.

- Answer of defendants, filed 11 July 1832. Notes that Elizabeth died in 1819; and that claimant received $10,000 in outstanding debts, as well as a large tract of land in Prince George's Co valued at $30,000. Requests that a receiver or provisional trustee be named.

- Chancery Court decree, Annapolis, first Tuesday in December, 1832. Notes intermarriage of Mary Elizabeth Sothoron & Samuel P. Webster.

- Dismissed as satisfied (agreed), with costs by claimant, dated 1 Jan 1833. (Chancery Papers 7923, Charles Co., Filed 1832.07.11)

Samuel Bond born in about 1748 & died in 1818. He married secondly Elizabeth Marshall; they had no children. (Reno*)

** Will of wife’s grandfather - Maryland

Will of Zachariah Bond. To his wife the home plantation & adjacent Middle Quarter, plus his part of Chaptico & upper mill - to pass then to granddaughter Mary Sothoron. To granddaughter Clarissa Bond all land she & her husband Samuel live on (part of Calverton Manor), 400 acres. To granddaughter Harriet Claggett, 500 acres of Calverton Manor now rented by Thomas Callis, with adjacent tract bought from Mr. Edelen. To granddaughter Rebecca Jowles Sothoron, Indian Town (part of Bond's Rest), now in possession of Zepheniah Bond, 245 acres; plus St. Johns, bought from Matthew Herbert and rented by Samuel Cusick, 5 acres; plus part of Chaptico Manor bought of Eneas Campbell. Upper mills & parts of Chaptico pass to Rebecca Jowles Sothoron & Mary Sothoron on death of wife. To Thomas Bond, son of nephew Thomas, tract he lives on called Tillency, 180 acres; one half of his bond forgiven, other half to be paid to his brother Jeremiah. Sisters children: Matthew & Abraham Tennison. Executor Henry Greenfield Sothoron, "...son in law and friend..." (Wills 41(WF#2):17 {Also Wills TA#1:741}, St. Mary’s Co., 1775.03.14, Proved 1775/6.02.01

** Father-in-law’s will & estate - Maryland

Named & served as executor of will of Henry Greenfield Sothoron (see his Notes).

On petition of Samuel Bond executor of Henry G. Sotheron decd’ setting forth that the deceased died considerably in debt and prays the court for an order to sell as much of the said decd’ personal estate as will discharge the same. Granted. (Fenwick* {Orphans Court Proc :202, St. Mary’s Co., 1793.11.05)

Samuel Bond, exr of    
Henry Greenfield Sothoron,    vs      Gustavus R. Browne & W.B. Magruder,
who was surviving partner & exr.      exrs. of Richard Browne
of Zachariah Bond    

- Sothoron & Bond were partners in trade in St. Mary's Co. A Joint Bond was drawn 8 May 1773 to cover debt of Richard & Alexander Browne of £627.3.8½. Alexander moved to Virginia where he died insolvent. Richard died in 1787, leaving assets to Gustavus Richard Brown of Charles Co. and William Bowie Magruder of Montgomery Co. Pray for principal and interest due from 17 June1783.

- Auditors report dated 24 June 1800, notes a balance of £711.3.1 due complainants, including interest.

- Decree dated 3 July 1800, ordering payment of debt plus costs of 2,084 pounds of tobacco. (Chancery Papers 4729, St. Mary’s Co., Filed 1794.06.02)

A petition from Samuel Bond, of Prince-George’s county, executor of Henry Greenfield Sothoron, praying a return of money paid into the treasury by the said Sothoron in his life-time, was preferred, read, and referred to Mr. Marbury, Mr. Smith, of Baltimore, and Mr. McPherson, to consider and report thereon. (Arch MD 97.12 {House of Delegates Proc}, 1800.11.12)

The Committee considering the petition of Samuel reported they found the facts contained therein to be true, and proposed a resolution directing the payment of £28.6.2 current money to Samuel Bond, being that amount overpaid by Sothoron in purchasing lands in the reserves of Calverton manor, Charles county. (Arch MD 92.26 {House of Delegates Proc}, 1800.11.17)

By the HOUSE of DELEGATES, November 21, 1800.

RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore pay unto Samuel Bond, executor of Henry Greenfield Sothoron, the sum of twenty-eight pounds six shillings and two-pence current money, with interest from the thirty-first day of August, seventeen hundred and ninety-one, being so much overpaid by the said Henry Greenfield Sothoron for land purchased of the state of Maryland in the reserves of Calverton manor, in Charles county. [NOTE: Also appears at 94:58 and at 92:41, Archives of Maryland] (Arch MD 93.12 {Senate Proc}, 1800.11.21)

Resolution in favour of Samuel Bond, executor of Henry Greenfield Sothoron, was read the second time and assented to. (Arch MD 93.13 {Senate Proc}, 1800.11.24)

The resolution in favour of Samuel Bond, executor of Henry Greenfield Sothoron was among several actions sent to the House of Delegates by the clerk. (Arch MD 93.14 {Senate Proc}, 1800.11.25)

Fourth account of Samuel Bond executor of Henry Greenfield Sothoron late of St. Mary’s Co. dec’d.

- Accountant chargeth himself with balance at last settlement, 16 March 1799, amounting to 13 lbs. 15 ½ oz. plate and £2636.11.10

- Accountant received other monies - total now          3571.0.8

                                                            Debts               68.18.5 ¾

                                                            Balance          3502.2.2 ¼     (Inv JJ:126, St. Mary’s Co., 1801.03.02)

** Miscellaneous - Maryland

Fresco: Samuel Bond m. by 1807, Elizabeth Forbes, widow. Marriage Agreement. Ref. Abstract Deed, SMC 26:84. (Reno*)

Identified in 1825 will of Zachariah Sothoron as late uncle of Zachariah (see his Notes).

Henry G.S. Key of St. Mary's Co      |       | John T. P., Zachariah P., James F.,

Barnard Hooe of Alexandria, Va        | vs  | Henry, Susanna R. Sothoron

- Notes agreement between John Sothoron late of St. Mary’s Co. & Henry Sothoron late of Charles Co. (see below). Henry Sothoron took possession of land & made some payments. On about 7 October 1826 John Sothoron published his will, passing lands to Henry in fee simple, appointing him along with complainant as executors. John died about 1 November 1826. His executors gave bond, Henry making several payments on the account, leaving a debt balance by 15 March 1826 of $6,009.36. Henry Sothoron made his will 18 January 1832, appointing his son-in-law John Truman Hawkins & his only child William H. Sothoron as executors. The estate of Henry Sothoron including his equitable sale of noted land descended to his only child & heir at law William Henry Sothoron, late of Charles Co. dec'd. William made further payments, reducing the balance by 9 August 1833 to $3,991.02. Will of William H. Sothoron published 30 November 1836, demising his whole estate to be divided equally between his 2 children, Henry Sothoron & Susanna Rebecca Sothoron; if both deceased, then to cousin John Henry Sothoron & friend Samuel P. Webster. William H. Sothoron died 28 February 1837. John Sothoron left 4 children: John T. H., Zachariah Henry, James Philip & Mary Elizabeth Attaway Sothoron; Mary died in infancy, others still infants. John made provision for his widow in lieu of her dower and thirds. The children of William H. are infants. Balance of payment still due, with interest from 9 August 1833. Prays for appointment of guardian for infants, payment of monies due, sale of property if necessary to make payment.

- Agreement dated 27 June 1826. John Sothoron sells to Henry Sothoron lands next to lands now lived on by Henry, near Benedict, derived from brother Zachariah who had lived there, for $10,000. Henry is to secure to John and heirs, and of James F. Sothoron of and as to certain debts or bonds due from the estate of Horatio C. McElderry & George Forbes to the estate of their late uncle Samuel Bond. Balance payable in 6 years with interest from 1 Jan next. Henry is out of interest money to pay the widow of Zachariah Sothoron, their late brother, $200 as devised by Zachariah, in lieu of her dower; if she claims dower, Henry is to retain so much of the principal as would yield interest equivalent to the right of dower. Bears signatures of John & Henry Sothoron.

- Will of John Sothoron, 7 Oct 1826, 28 Nov 1826

- Will of Henry Sothoron, 18 Jan 1832, 13 Nov 1832

- Will of William H. Sothoron of Charles Co., 30 Nov 1836, 24 Feb 1837.

- Appointment of William T. Maddox as guardian to infants John T. H., Zachariah Henry, James P. Sothoron & others, 4 January 1839.

- Appointment of George Combs as guardian to infants Henry, Susanna Rebecca Sothoron & others, 4 January 1839.

- Interrogatories of John H. Briscoe dated 4 Feb 1839. Notes that Zachariah Sothoron died in 1825 or 1826, his wife 3 years ago.

- Final decree of Chancery Court, 11 February 1840. John Scott of Baltimore City trustee in sale of property to satisfy debt. (Chancery Papers 9156, St. Mary’s Co., Filed1838.06.26)


James Forbes & Henry Sothoron vs. John Barnes, exr. of Samuel Bond.

- Claimant's bill reviews terms of will of Samuel Bond dated 28 July 1818. Two of the executors died shortly thereafter - Henry Gardiner & John Sothoron. The surviving executor paid himself 400 bushels of wheat, worth $600. The estates of the other executors pray for their share wheat, and other debts collected.

- Copy of will of Samuel Bond, drawn 28 July 1818.

- Letter from Barnes dated 31 March 1831, noting amicable settlement of claim.

- Letter of dismissal from Henry Sothoron & James F. Sothoron, test. HGS Key, dated 26 March 1831. (Chancery Papers 11304, Prince George’s Co., Filed1830.09.22)

Val est, the residence of Saml Bond, dec’d, cld Bond’s Retreat, on the Potomac rvr, a few miles below Ft. Wash, is offered for rent for the next yr. The dwlg hse & farm hses are spacious & in pretty good order. Apply to Rev Norris M Jones, nr Chaptico, St. Mary’s Co, Md, or to the subscriber in Alexandria, DC - Bernard Hooe, actg for the heirs of John Sothoron dec’d. (Dixon*, 1832-1833 :107, Reported 1832.06.28)

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W. Haddox Sothoron, M.D.